The Boat

The boat’s not here yet but the $ is flowing

Which in this case, is as expected.

On the last trial, I met up with who will be the boat’s final mechanic in the Lake Norman area, Kevin. He’s been a boat mechanic for some time, including working directly for Sea Ray for a long while and runs a local shop. I did a stint long ago working for a shop as a mechanic, with the owner being a complete POS, lying and cheating any way possible. Most of us have seen the various ‘scams’ from even Sears and various other mechanics routinely ripping off customers - suffice it to say my boss long ago was similar. I've pretty much done almost all work on my vhicles across the years, but I really wanted to make this a good first boating season, as well as having limited time.

A trustworthy mechanic?

Thanfully, I got a really good vibe from Kevin, and I’m going to work with him to make sure she’s as ready as can be for a good family launching back at Falls Lake. Maybe some surprises will come up, but I’m feeling hesitantly OK at the moment.

The goal is not ‘make her perfect,’ but to find the ‘must dos’ and do them, find all the ‘should dos’ and make some educated decisions, and note the ‘probably should at some point’ or ‘might want to do later’ for when she’s moved to us, or once I’m pulling her out of the water for end of season work.

Undoubtedly I’m going to have a long list of things to do as we sort both what I’ll be having Kevin do before she heads our way, as well as things I decide I want to do or have done.

Pictures as she sits right now

More to come...