
I’m just some guy on the internet, who has had a fair amount of experience with a fair amount of things, and a curiosity about many things - along with an opinion to share on occasion.  

This is not a commercial site, and I’m not here to pump anyone’s merchandise nor try everything out there - just to share information and let people know what I personally choose and use myself, as well as those things that might have seemed like good ideas but just didn’t work out, along with various HOWTOs and DIY types of info across a range of interest areas.  

Some links across the site go to Amazon, where I might get a small amount for purchases made, where other links are to wherever the information or relevant products, tools, etc. can be found.  This is not a ‘list every product’ spam type of site - all links I provide are either with accompanying commentary as to my direct experience with the items, reasons I like it and how to use it, or whether I would, or in some cases, would not - use anything linked to.  I don’t recommend anything unless it with personal experience, as no one likes to buy something that well - sucks.

If you’d like to contact me, you can use the form below, or if for some reason it’s not working - use the Disqus comment block at the bottom.
